Levi The Poet

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Week No. 06 — Introduction

Lent 2023 | Day 08 | Wednesday, March 29

☝️ This is connected to the previous lesson, as well, because when I feel like I'm slow to create, I also feel like I'm letting my fans, followers and supporters down. When I give in to that feeling, I scramble. I burn myself out trying to do more, share more, tease more, promise more... but all that happens is that I burn myself out, overpromise, underdeliver and spiral further into a shame-cycle wherein I feel like I'm not good enough.

This reminds me that I am loved as I am. That I can acknowledge my shortcomings without being crushed by them, and that patient practice during the slow process that has been my creative work is what has ultimately been sustaining, anyway — not loud flash-bangs and content for content's sake.


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