My Bookshelf

“If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” — Stephen King

I [try to] read a lot.

Or, at least, listen. Audible has been a good friend to me throughout the years. [👈 You can click that link to one of my favorite audiobooks for a free month on me, if you'd like.]

When I do, I usually write a lot about what I read, and share those thoughts with The Fraction Club. I thought it'd be fun to add this page to my site after seeing someone else do the same. Steal Like An Artist, right?

Below, you'll find recommendations of books that have taught me invaluable lessons, inspired my creative journey, or – simply – stories that I've loved. 

  • Full Disclosure: this page contains what are called "affiliate links," meaning that if you decide to pick one of my recommendations up using the links I've provided for you, I may receive a small commission off of your purchase from Amazon.

    Full-er Disclosure: I will only post recommendations that I believe in, or feel as though there is something valid (which I will explain in my summaries) to be learned from. You will not see garbage here for money's sake, because I want you to trust me, and that idea sucks.
