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Support Levi The Poet’s creative work: become a paid subscriber to his Substack newsletter — A Becoming .
Hi, my name is Levi.
I've been creating art as a writer, speaker and spoken-word poet for ten years. Click any of the options below to read more of the what and why behind my work, and consider helping me continue in it by subscribing to my Substack newsletter, A Becoming.
Hi. My name is Levi, and I'm a human.
I have a dog named Francis who loves fetch and I love all of them in entirely different and not even close to equal ways.
Before Substack existed, I created something called The Fraction Club, which I literally designed to be the exact same thing.
Crazy as it was to me – a bunch of people regularly ask how they could support me so that I could keep writing, and a donor-based newsletter is what I came up with.
I love to write and I love to perform and I love to make people feel as valuable as I know that they are. I love to create lyrics and albums and invite other people to listen to them.Not a few noteworthy authors have said that, "We read to know we're not alone."
I believe we write and share and practice vulnerability and community and dance for much the same reason.
I've been doing all of that, and more, for the past thirteen years, all over the place, and now I’d like to invite you to do it with me, here.
In 2009, I started a one member "band" called Levi The Poet which included... me.
I sort of just yelled a lot in between the other bands I loved (who also yelled a lot, but to music). I started touring all over the country and lived on the road for 8 to 10 months out of the year, performing... everywhere.
I have been writing poetry, recording records and touring more of the globe than I ever thought I’d see in my life – let alone play shows in – for over thirteen years now, and your paid subscription to my Substack newsletter will help me continue.
It’s called A Becoming, and if you’re wondering “who” is becoming… the TL;DR response is: I Am. And so are you.
Web Tools.
Whether it's hosting a site, domain fees, email service platforms, graphic design tools, creative subscriptions, Google for work – you name it – it adds up.
Video & Photo & Illustration & Music.
Photographers or videographers ain't cheap. Illustrators too often get the shaft. The musicians and producers who have helped us create what we have thus far deserve fair compensation. We've always tried to create an aesthetic of excellence that LTP followers have come to recognize... we hope to get even better at it.
Marketing & Promotion.
Advertising through agencies has never been a possibility, because it costs a lot of money to run anything through them, and the majority of indie artists simply don't have it. We certainly haven't. We'd love the chance to explore more creative ways of getting upcoming releases in front of folks.
Recording, Packaging & Production.
In times past, we have used Preorder Packages & Kickstarter to make "big asks" of people when we have new things coming out. I hope that, through smaller, more consistent support, we can create a more sustainable method based upon our Patron support.
Being Alive, and Time, and Home.
Excess doesn’t describe my long-term goals, but sustainability does.
With the help of my Substack readers, I hope that this can become a bit more realized beyond the necessity of being separated by the road for half of the year, as I continue to write and create what I hope you will continue to love.
The thing about being one man band is that there's only one of you.
If you're an independent artist, then you're also:
— the label
— the promotional team
— the creative director
— the distribution company
— the booking manager
— the tour manager
— the day driver
— the overnight driver
— the accountant
— the tax filer
— the merchandise buyer
— the store manager
— the shipping station
— the email responder
— the customer service rep
— the copy writer
— the marketing team
— the social media manager
— the website builder
— the campaign manager
— the connection builderetc...
And also, every now and then, you get to do what love, and create.
Your support helps make it happen.
A Becoming
Every piece is a part of the whole, and that includes you.
Support me for 8.99 per month and receive access to:
⭐️ My Substack Newsletter — A Becoming: Where I write about stuff I’m interested in thinking and talking about (you know: books, God, poetry, mental health, religion, therapy, philosophy, plants, meditation, creativity, spirituality, helping human beings, psychology, popcorn, fear, Love, the unbearable brightness of being, dogs, consciousness, language as a means of giving words to wordlessness, etc.). You know — super chill stuff.
⭐️ Access to my Discord Server: Join myself and other members in a safe and private online community where you can hang out and get to know the whole club through my private Discord server.
⭐️ Track by Track Video Commentaries. Join me each week for a detailed commentary and reflection on the meaning and vision behind each and every track that I've ever released — including all of my albums, guest spots, features, and more.
⭐️ The Entire Written, Audio and Visual LTP Weekly Letter Archive: I was doin’ Substack before substack was cool, yo. 😂 Access the complete LTP Weekly Archives — and gain access to over 130+ Audio and Video recordings of each week's letter to read through or watch at your own pace. This archive of written letters spans the course of three full years’ worth of work and includes topics ranging from poetry, art and creativity to faith and spirituality to the DIY life, and more.
⭐️ Exclusive, storewide discounts on every new Levi The Poet release – be it a t-shirt or an album, physical or digital, old or new – you name it – for as long as you remain a Fraction member.
⭐️ Free, 50pg eBook. Correspondence (a commentary) — a book on the relationship between Belief and Creativity.
⭐️ Access to a growing, Subscriber-Only Private Music Playlist. Life is loud. Drown out the noise with this specially curated Fraction-Only Spotify Playlist.
⭐️ Levi's Complete, Digital Discography. Immediately accessible to you upon signup in your Membership Library.
⭐️ Behind The Scenes, Drafts, and Early Releases. You'll get a first look at new chapters and lyrics, written drafts and commentary, including exclusive behind-the-scenes chances to experience and participate in the creative process. Oh, and you'll get early access to... everything.
⭐️ High School Rap Tracks. Have the opportunity to access and laugh at five rap songs that I wrote lyrics and beats for in high school, and recorded as a teenager in my bedroom at my parent's house.
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What Readers Are Saying
A: Good question. There are two answers for it:
First, Substack is a platform for writers to write, and for readers to support what their favorite writers write. When I started offering a paid newsletter over five years ago, this thing didn’t exist. Now it does, and it’s exactly what I had in mind when I was doing the LTP Weekly on my own.
I used to run everything in-house, but have learned that my time is better spent when I’m doing what I’m best at: writing. So I’m leaving the tedium I can do without to the big boys, and keeping it simply for myself.
This support model is something that I used to call The Fraction Club.
You can read about why and — really — the way that I still thing about garnering subscription support, below. 👇
Philosophically, a Fraction is a part of a whole, and I believe that each part of that whole matters. You matter. You are a part of the whole as much as I am. Our pasts are a part of the whole, and they matter. Additionally, each part of the creative process matters, regardless of how menial it may seem, or how small we may feel. We need one another. The whole story matters, and we're all a part of it.
Commercially, Fraction is (mind the pun) a fraction of the whole, as well. Fraction serves to function as an ongoing part of LTP, and fuel the other pieces both financially and creatively, be they new albums, books, workshops, etc. Simply put, this is one product among many that serves to make the whole vision possible.
Once you become a subscriber to my Substack newsletter, you’ll be abel to download their app, which provides a great, simple and easy way to read and interact with my work, and the community of others who are doing the same.
Additionally, if you so choose, there is a Discord community* that you can participate in.
*Please note: though I do interact, from time to time, in my Discord server, I am not a community moderator, and I make it a point to be very clear about that so that I can keep my focus where it counts: on my writing and creative work.
Yes. If we decide to add more content to any of the above plans, you will have access to anything and everything that is included as an update or "new version" of your membership tier.
Immediately at levithepoet.net/store, for everything and as often as you'd like for as long as you remain a paid subscriber.
I use a variety of communication tools, but most easily / notably: through my Substack publication, which can be access on the web, through the app, or in your email inbox.
There are a number of options for internal back-and-forth via Substack, as well, including private discussions, etc.
I also interact with folks in our private Discord server.
Fraction Club Membership is a nonrefundable purchase.
Paid readership via Substack is billed on a monthly, recurring basis.
Absolutely. Substack is built on a fully encrypted platform complete with SSL certificates.