The Beautiful Truth

Lent 2023 | Day 14 | Tuesday, March 07


Week No. 02

I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.

  • Welcome, welcome, welcome.
    I welcome everything that comes to me today
    because I know it is for my healing.

    I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.

    I let go of my desire for power and control.

    I let go of my desire for affection, esteem, approval and pleasure.

    I let go of my desire for survival and security.

    I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person or myself.

    I open to the love and presence of God and God’s action within.




Quote Of The Day

Oh God! Help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it may be!

- Sister Macrina Wiederkehr



Song Of The Day



Prompt Of The Day

Do you believe that the truth about yourself is beautiful? If so, write about where that confidence came from. Who instilled it in you? And if not, why? Where did the belief that you are anything other than that come from?

In my tradition, Holy Scripture says that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made... knit together inside of our mother’s womb.

Perhaps it’d be helpful to consider the people in your life who help remind you of that truth today, and thank them.



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Levi The Poet
Spoken word and performance artist, writer, speaker and storyteller.

Week No. 03 — Introduction


Of Innocence